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    We hope you will enjoy our Pretty,
    Impressive and Entertaining (=PIE) Books!

    Finnish Designers at Home - 12 Inspiring Lifestyles

    Price : ¥1,800
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    Apart from the other collective titles for Scandinavian Designs, this book tries to answer a simple question: How Finnish Designers create beautiful design works? The answer lies in their HOME, where is full of inspirations .
    This book introduces ‘Lifestyle’ and the ‘Interior Design’ of twelve Finnish Designers such as Klaus Haapaniemi, and Harri Koskinen by visiting their home and interviewing them. Some pages also feature their recent pattern works and product designs, so that readers can link such creative works to their Home.
    This title will provide a lot of inspirations for designers as well as attract Finnish Design Lovers.
    • Size:257 x 182mm
    • Pages:144 Pages (Full Color)
    • Binding:Softbound
    • Publisher:PIE International
    • Language:Japanese, some English
    • ISBN:978-4-7562-4594-6 C0070
    • Author:Eri Shimatsuka

    For more information, please contact the distributor/bookstore who covers your country.


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