Tracing around the world
定価 (本体1,300円+税)
Trace lines and enjoy your journey around the world !
Just tracing the lines will calm and heal your mind. Tracing the sketches will give you an experience of sketching various scenarios where you can get a tip to draw a picture. With an explanation of the place provided on each scene, you can travel around the world in the book and enjoy beautiful scenery and buildings as well as the country's culture while having fun in tracing.
You can enjoy tracing and coloring the whole book, including the both sides of the jacket and the cover of the book. Enjoy the entire book!
Europe / Afria / Asia / Oceania / North America / South America
The scenes from 47 countries are included.
Just tracing the lines will calm and heal your mind. Tracing the sketches will give you an experience of sketching various scenarios where you can get a tip to draw a picture. With an explanation of the place provided on each scene, you can travel around the world in the book and enjoy beautiful scenery and buildings as well as the country's culture while having fun in tracing.
You can enjoy tracing and coloring the whole book, including the both sides of the jacket and the cover of the book. Enjoy the entire book!
Europe / Afria / Asia / Oceania / North America / South America
The scenes from 47 countries are included.
- Format:B4判変型
- Size:250×250mm
- Pages:104 Pages(8 in color)
- Binding:ソフトカバー
- 発行元 :PIE International
- ISBN:978-4-7562-4937-1 C0071
- 著者:Eriy