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    We hope you will enjoy our Pretty,
    Impressive and Entertaining (=PIE) Books!

    Tips for Great Designs Using Only Colors, Shapes, Patterns & Letters

    Price : £55.00
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    Effective design ideas that rely on patterns, colors, shapes and letters for visual impact instead of photography and illustrations

    All designers have faced the challenge of creating high-impact, visually attractive designs while intentionally avoiding design elements such as photographs or illustrations. This book showcases a wide variety of effective designs that have been created using clever arrangement of design elements such as the letters, lines, squares, circles, color combinations and patterns.
    • Size:255×190mm
    • Pages:272Pages(Full Color)
    • Binding:Softbound
    • Publisher:PIE International
    • Language:Japanese
    • ISBN:978-4-7562-4940-1 C3070

    If you are living outside of UK, please check the distributor/bookstore who covers your country.


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