『NEW STRUCTURAL PACKAGING Gold edition』および『箱のパッケージデザイン 最新ベスト125』における著作権侵害の疑いについて / Regarding the suspicion of copyright infringement in “NEW STRUCTURAL PACKAGING Gold edition” and “Package Design for Boxes: Best 125”
『NEW STRUCTURAL PACKAGING Gold edition』(2016年 スペインPromopress刊 以下、Promopress書籍)および、Promopress書籍を原書として日本国内で翻訳出版された『箱のパッケージデザイン 最新ベスト125』(2017年 グラフィック社刊 以下、「グラフィック社書籍」)において、『ペーパーパッケージデザイン大全集』(2007年 小社刊 以下、「PIE書籍」)で紹介しているパッケージデザインの図面の複数が、著作権者の許可なく使用されている疑いがあることがわかりました。
We have found that several drawings of package design introduced in “Package Form and Designs: Encyclopedia of Paper-Folding Designs (original Japanese title: 『ペーパーパッケージデザイン大全集』(published by PIE International, 2007: hereinafter referred to as the “PIE Publication”)are suspected as being used, without authorization from their copyright holders, in『NEW STRUCTURAL PACKAGING Gold edition』(published by Promopress, Spain, 2016 – hereinafter referred to as the “Promopress Publication”) and “Package Designs for Boxes: Best 125 (original Japanese title:『箱のパッケージデザイン 最新ベスト125』)(published by Graphic-sha Publishing Co., Ltd., 2017 – hereinafter referred to as the “Graphic-sha Publication”) which is the translated version of the Promopress Publication and has been published in Japan.
Promopress書籍およびグラフィック社書籍において、掲載図面について著作権はPromopress書籍の著者であるGARROFE, JOSEP M.氏(以下、「ガロフェ氏」)にあり、さらに使用においては許諾なく使用ができる、「著作権フリー」であることが記載されています。しかしながら、以下の図面に関しては、PIE書籍からの無断転載の疑いがあります。PIE書籍に掲載の図面の著作権は各図面の著者が有しているところ、著者、小社はいずれも第三者に対し各図面の使用を許諾しておりません。従ってこれらの図面を使用すると使用者も著作権を侵害する恐れがありますので、使用することの無いようご注意願います。
Regarding both the Promopress Publication and the Graphic-sha Publication, the copyright for the published drawings belongs to Mr. GARROFE, JOSEP M. (hereinafter referred to as “Mr. Garrofe”, who is the author of the Promopress Publication). It is also mentioned that these drawings are copyright-free materials and can be used without authorization. However, there is a suspicion of unauthorized reproduction of the following drawings from the PIE Publication. Since the copyright for the drawings published in the PIE Publication belongs to the authors of each drawing, neither these authors nor we (PIE International) authorize any third party to use the drawings. Therefore, caution needs to be taken not to use these drawings because their use could result in copyright infringement..
001:Tシャツ型厚紙ボックス/ p.14-15
006:サプライズ効果のある六角形バッグ/ p.24-25
028:ストロベリー・ボックス/ p.68-69
031:長い三角形を合わせたボックス/ p.74-75
035:ハート型ボックス/ p.82-83
037:16枚の三角形のボックス/ p.86-87
046:ゆるやかにカーブしたボックス/ p.104-105
JUN MEN アフリカンスパイシーTシャツパッケージ/p.062-063
Drawings contained in “Package Designs for Boxes: Best 125” (original Japanese title:
『箱のパッケージデザイン最新ベスト125』)(published by Graphic-sha Co., Ltd.)
001: T-shirt shaped cardboard box/p.14-15
006: Hexagonal bag with a surprise effect/p.24-25
028: Strawberry box/p.68-69
031: Box made with long triangles/ p.74-75
035: Heart-shaped box/p.82-83
037: 16-triangle box/p.86-87
046: Gently-curved box/p.104-105
It is suspected that these works have been reprinted from the following drawings appearing in the PIE Publication almost unmodified or at a modified aspect ratio.
Drawings contained in “Package Form and Designs: Encyclopedia of Paper-Folding Designs (Japanese title:『ペーパーパッケージデザイン大全集』)” (PIE Publication)
Liquor and Vinegar box/p.018-019
JUN MEN African Spicy T-Shirt package/p.062-063
Japanese confectioneries box/p.074-75
I-love-you gift box/p.100-101
Penguin gift box/p.148-149
Liquor box/p.158-159
In January 2017, it was brought to our attention by the authors of the PIE Publication that a total of 7 drawings contained in the Graphic-sha Publication bore a strong resemblance to the drawings included in the PIE Publication and therefore were suspected to be infringing their copyright.
Upon verifying the facts, we found that there were drawings that almost match as they are or almost match by modifying the aspect ratio.
Creating these drawings for package designs contained in the PIE Publication requires scholarly or academic techniques and application. The authors created them from scratch by investing a considerable amount of time and effort; it is therefore impossible that these drawings coincidentally match with other drawings.
We have determined that these drawings correspond to “maps and other diagrammatic works of an academic nature, such as plans, charts and models” under Article 10 (1)(vi) of the Copyright Act and that their unauthorized use violates their copyrights and have made a protest against Promopress and Graphic-sha in order to protect the dignity of their creators’ creativity.
In the situation where the copyright holders of the publication cannot be confirmed, Graphic-sha announced that they would suspend the sale of the publication in Japan as a result of their consideration on all possibilities. However, they are of the opinion that they cannot verify the suspected copyright infringement as long as Promopress argues that the copyright belongs to Mr. Garrofe.
On the other hand, Promopress, who was initially responding to the discussion through their lawyer, is currently rejecting any discussion, without accepting our claim.
We have thus determined that we can no longer expect the matter to be resolved through discussions and have decided to publicly announce this fact in order to prevent unauthorized use of these drawings from spreading any further.
◆商品情報/Product Information
『ペーパーパッケージデザイン大全集/Package Form and Designs』
(PIEBOOKS刊/published by PIE International)
『箱のパッケージデザイン 最新ベスト125/Package Design for Boxes: Best 125』
(グラフィック社刊/published by Graphic-sha Publishing Co., Ltd.)
原書/Original Book『NEW STRUCTURAL PACKAGING Gold edition』
(Promopress刊/published by Promopress)