The Art of The Wonderland

Keiichi Hara meets Ilya Kuvshinov in the most anticipated anime film of the year
This book is the definitive design material book collecting character profiles, rough sketches, and all sorts of sample designs such as background, buildings, animals, machines and props, giving you a detailed behind-the-scenes look at the visual development artworks of this animation. This is the only official reference book available and will be appreciated not just by Anime/Manga fans but also by people who want to learn the process of how animations are made.
- Size:257×187mm
- Pages:220Pages(Full Color)
- Binding:Softbound
- Publisher:PIE International
- Language:Japanese
- ISBN:978-4-7562-5197-8 C0079
- Ilya Kuvshinov (Illustration) / PIE International (Editor),
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