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    The Boy and Dragon: When You Can’t Stand Being Alone

    - Paper Edition & Licensing Information -

    Price : ¥1,200
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    A single short but hugely important day for the dragon who is waiting for his “bride” and the boy he mistook for her.

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    Shitaro, a middle school student, woke up on a bench in an unknown shrine. There, a dragon calling him “bride” appeared...... this is the dragon god who has been waiting 100 long years for his bride, and the boy who has vague memories of being mistaken for the bride in a fantastical human story surrounding the question “What is love?”.

    The manga “The Dragon Who Wants to Marry a Middle School Boy,” which appeared on social media in 2018, has been significantly revised and expanded, was serialized for the past two and a half years since November 2020 on the PIE COMICS website and recently concluded. Be sure to follow the story of the dragon god and the boy surrounding the question “What is love?” to the end. Also included is 36 pages from the newly drawn sequel “First Snow Morning, Sunny Mirror.” The entire book is in Japanese only.

    Licensing Information
    Sold: Korean
    Published in 2023
    • Size:210×148mm
    • Pages:338Pages(4C・4Pages/1C・334Pages)
    • Binding:Softbound
    • Publisher:PIE International
    • Language:Japanese
    • ISBN:978-4-7562-5831-1 C0979
    • Author:idonaka

    For more information, please contact the distributor/bookstore who covers your country.

    Only available in Asia/Oceania


    【Author Profile】

    idonaka is a manga artist and illustrator who likes boys and girls who go on adventures and the creatures around them. In May 2018, idonaka won the Bronze Rookie award from Jump Rookie under the name Itonaga Yamafuji. This is idonaka’s first serialized work.


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